During his time working for UCloud, Raymond developed a deep insight into how to better deliver the modern global marketing experience to key buyers across the most popular platform.
His answer? Apply the e-commerce model of selling and purchasing products to the B2B influencer marketing experience. With that idea, Raymond set out to form Thinla Limited in 2021, the easiest way to connect brands to influencers capable of delivering the most creative and effective content across several different platforms.
In 2015, Quin served as head of Dubai's Al Hasun Arab Group of China. Her professional resume includes the likes of ZTE and Huawei Cloud, tallying more than 8 years of combined experience in product operation inside the IT industry. As the co-founder of Thinla, Quin's goal is to empower Chinese brands to reach overseas by making it as easy as possible for them to connect with the right influencers.